Daniel Driffin, serves as the Project Manager with the
Center for Health, Intervention and Prevention (CHIP) on the Think Twice
Project. With experience working in hardest affected communities, Daniel has
leadership in providing Rapid Pre/Post HIV Test Counseling and facilitating
numerous evidence based interventions (EBIs) such as Many Men, Many Voices
(3MV), Defend Yourself (d-up!) and Mpowerment to Young African American men who
have sex with men (YAAMSM). Mr. Driffin is active in volunteering in local,
national and international programs to addressing social determinants of
HIV/AIDS. Nationally, he currently serves as Chair of The Young Black Gay Men’s
Leadership Initiative which is a collection of committed young black gay, bi,
SGL and other men who have sex with men from around the country who work
towards addressing the HIV epidemic in the United States. The goal is to
lead this initiative to educate, inspire and support our peers. YBGLI is a national
initiative by the National Black Gay Men’s Advocacy Coalition. Daniel is also
currently completing coursework towards a Masters of Public Health.

Harlan Smith started out as a volunteer with AID Atlanta, then left his job in corporate America to become a fulltime employee with the organization. Harlan was hired as the HIV Tester & Counselor for AID Atlanta’s Evolution Project, a drop-in community center for young black gay/bisexual men and transgender individuals between 18 and 28 years of age. Harlan also did HIV testing in the community at clubs, bars, parks, health fairs and many other events and locations. Harlan was awarded the honor of Best Male Activist in Atlanta in 2012.
Larissa Zohren is one of the newest members of the SHARE Project. She came to work here after she graduated from the University of Connecticut. Larissa’s adventurous nature keeps her friends and family on their toes. She is full of enthusiasm and loves to talk to new people. She and Megan will be answering your phone calls.
Lisa Eaton is interested in developing and implementing behavioral interventions for health improvement. She has both international and domestic interests in disease treatment and prevention, including projects to improve HIV testing and counseling for HIV negative MSM in the US. She is also interested in researching effective ways to deliver biomedical interventions such as pre-exposure prophylaxis, male circumcision and microbicides; in particular, how to address product adherence and changes in behavioral risk taking, and how to bolster wide spread availability.
Megan McNerney has been working with the SHARE Project since 2003. She wears many hats in the office, including answering calls from participants. She looks forward to hearing from you and hopes to help you get involved in a study!
Mike Bailey has a Bachelor's degree in Education from Georgia Southern University. He has worked in outreach services for fifteen years. He started at the National AIDS Education and Services for Minorities program, next the AIDS Survival Project, then to Positive Impact and now he has been with the SHARE Project for two years. If you see him out, say "Hi!"

Robert Baldwin is a U.S. Naval veteran who served in-country and in Iraq as medical support for marines. This four-year tour initiated a love for closely connecting with individuals from all cultural backgrounds. Robert followed this interest through the study of Cultural Communication at the University of California. Since 2005 he has enthusiastically participated in multiple community outreach forums as both a professional and a volunteer; the most recent being the Many Men Many Voices program through the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center as a member of their Leadership Advisory Board. With a heart to serve others, and an interest in being a part of positive community and cultural advancement, Robert is elated to be a part of the Think Twice team.

Shawn Miles has been an outreach coordinator since 2005 for Someone Care Inc. His roles include providing education and support to LGBT to increase knowledge about HIV/AIDS and safer sex practices. Shawn is frequently in the clubs in downtown Atlanta conducting HIV testing and handing out safer sex kits.

Christopher Conway-Washington works at the SHARE Project in the role of assessor and phlebotomist. He is a Sr. Research Assessor with the University of Connecticut, where he has the privilege of working across multiple studies at the Atlanta facility. His previous professional experience includes coordinating a Men's STD Clinic, providing HIV testing and counseling to both individuals and couples, case management, and behavioral research, working with diverse populations, infected and/or affected by HIV/AIDS and other STI's. Christopher has had the great opportunity of presenting data at local and national conferences, from the findings of the aforementioned research. Christopher attended Temple University (go Owls!), where he studied Human Resource Administration as an undergraduate. He attended Drexel University and the Keller Graduate School of Management, where he studied Public Health and Public Administration, respectively, as a graduate student. In the hours when Christopher is not at work, he enjoys exercising, music, dancing, the performing arts, black & white classics, reading, and the emotional rollercoaster that is life.

Chauncey Cherry (with Lisa Eaton at PRIDE) has been a huge part of the SHARE Project for several years. Many of you have worked with him and know how crucial he is to the success of our programs.