Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Visit ChooseMyPlate.gov to use these tools.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive. Use these tips and materials to make healthy choices while staying within your budget.

Create a Grocery Game Plan button

Discover how much you could be saving

Get tips for making healthy, low-cost meals

Learn how to find the best deals

Shop Smart to Fill Your Cart button

Tips and tricks for every aisle

Learn how the "unit price" leads to better buys

Make smarter choices using the food label

Prepare Healthy Meals button

Create meals faster with kitchen timesavers

Tips for any family

Try new recipes your family will love!

Sample Two-Week Menu button

Budget-conscious 2-week menus

Grocery and pantry staples lists

A cookbook that includes these 25 recipes

Resources for Professionals button

Handouts and guides for educating clients

Links to SNAP-ED and FNS resources

Consumer brochures from ChooseMyPlate

Find the links to all of these tools by clicking here.