Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Silence The Growl Project

United Way of Atlanta has launched the Silence the Growl Project to end child hunger problems in Atlanta.

United Way of Greater Atlanta believes our community is a place where all individuals and families should thrive. Our mission is to engage all segments of our community to drive sustainable change in education, income, health and homelessness, while continuing to address urgent and basic human care.

HELP US SILENCE THE GROWL. During the school year 363,421 children across Greater Atlanta participate in a free or reduced school meal program. In just a few short weeks, summer break will begin and many will be without a free breakfast and/or lunch program. Some will receive food through a summer program, and others will not. More than 300,000 children in our community will be hungry this summer. We can’t end it, but together we can silence it. Our goal is to provide at least 12,000 meals during the upcoming summer break. Helping is easy: purchase as many meals as you can, share the cause through your social media channels, challenge 10 other people to join in the cause and promote via #silencethegrowl. NO CHILD SHOULD GO HUNGRY THIS SUMMER. 

United Way had a goal of raising $30,000 through June 12th. Visit this website to learn more about how you can continue to help throughout the summer.