Sunday, September 28, 2014

An AIDS Free Generation

The (RED) Manifesto:

Every Generation is known for something.

Let's be the one to deliver an AIDS FREE GENERATION.

We all have tremendous power. What we choose to do or even buy, can affectsomeone’s life on the other side of the world. In 2002, more than 1,500 babieswere born every day with HIV. Today that number is just over 650. We must actnow to get that close to zero.

We’re at a tipping point in the fight against AIDS - with urgency and action, it’s possible for the world to end the transmission of HIV from moms to their babies.We can deliver the first AIDS FREE GENERATION in over thirty years.
(RED) can’t accomplish this alone. It will take all of us to get there –governments, health organizations, companies, and you. When you DO THE (RED) THING, a (RED) partner will give up some of its profits to fight AIDS.

It’s as simple as that.
BE (RED). Start the end of AIDS now.